When you live and you cook…
Buraco quente (AKA Adapted sloppy joes)
Buraco quente is an is easy, amazing and really fast to make recipe. If you are in a hurry or just in need of a warm hug in your stomach, this is it! In portuguese buraco quente means warm hole, but don’t be scaredby it’s name, I grew up with it and though it was a common thing in Brazil, but seeing most of my friends never heard about it, I am here to share this amazing recipe with you!
You will need:

- 500gr Minced meat
- 400gr of tomato sauce plain
- Around 15 olives
- 1 small onion (diced in small pieces)
- salt and pepper to taste
- 2 baguettes or 6 small bread rolls of your choice
The Process…

- On a big frying pan heat some vegetable oil and fry the diced onion adding the meat once the onions are yellowish. Fry until the meat is done
- Slice you olives and add them to the meat
- Add the tomato sauce, salt and pepper to taste and cook until the sauce hit boiling point. If your sauce is to little add half a cup of hot water to it.
- Make a hole into your bread roll removing the middle without damaging the bottom of it, otherwise it will all run out.
- Mount your Buraco quente (AKA Adapted sloppy joes) and Enjoy 😉
Quite simple isn’t it? It is amazing I promise and you only need about 10 minutes for it. Buraco quente (AKA adapted Sloppy Joes) is also awesome for gatherings and birthdays partys as everyone can mount there own^^