I always thought I would come out of school straight to university, but well, life and the German bureaucracy got in the way. So, here I am, 26 years old just starting my second semester of Business Studies and these are 26 random thoughts I’ve had since I started this quite weird journey:
- I completely forgot how to learn in a school format;
- Nobody ever uses this on the real world!
- I have the attention spam of a fish…
- Oh fuck, I have no idea what that means;
- I am not used to handwriting, how sad!
- Will I ever use this?
- Oh I haven’t thought about my asshole Ex in a while, he would be easier to figure out than this statistic problem!
- Stop! I want out.
- Oh, the people ARE really young!
- I see you, I hear you, but still no idea what you are trying to say
- Oh, Snapchat is still a thing?
- To much information, so little time.
- How hard it is to find a retail job?
- Ohhh NO, tests, NOOOO!!
- I should make a snapchat!
- How the F&%K have you never heard of The Shinning =O
- Is it to late to quit?
- Well, I still write on paper. Yep, No iPad!
- Why do Germans have a special word for everything? kommilitone? Really? Just call them colleagues or students!
- Can’t even figure out Instagram Stories, let alone Snaps!
- Do I really need this?
- Probably. I need a job!
- Last but not least……can I actually do this?
huahuahuahuahuahuahuah me senti na época de facul de novo… 😛 eu entrei com 19, mas demorei tanto que saí com 28 😀
Hahahah eu vou sair com mais de 30!! =O