I had to write this text like right NOW! It’s been 5 minutes since I entered my place back from the Frank Turner concert and I want you to have this same magic feeling I have at this moment. Remember the Beasteaks concert? So yeah, that same feeling!!!
Date: 22.11.2018
Price: 37,50 €
Location: Columbiahalle

- Overall score ♠♠♠♠♠
- Beverages and food $$$$$
- Sound ♥♥♥♥♥
- Separated smoking area YES / NO
- Public transportation access YES / NO
- Capacity 3.500 people
Frank Turner and the sleeping souls - Berlin 2018

1. 1933
2. Blackout
3. Get Better
4. Recovery
5. Little Changes
6. The Next Storm
7. Brave Face
8. Plain Sailing Weather
9. The Way I Tend To Be
10. Be More Kind
11. Eulogy
12. If I ever Stray
13. Try This at Home
14. One Foot Before The Other
15. The Road
16. Redemption
17. Father’s Day
18. The Ballad of Me and My Friends
19. I Knew Prufrock Before He Got Famous
20. Out Of Breath
21. Photosynthesis
22. Don’t Worry
23. I Still Believe
24. Four Simple Words
25. Polaroid Picture

My Honest Review
Fuuuuuck! What an awesome concert! I woke up today at 05:30, travelled 4 hours forth and back from university, worked for 7 hours straight and was feeling poorly with a cold, but nothing of that matter, at this moment I am not even tired! This concert just recharged all my batteries and renewed my soul and faith in humanity.
Starting with 1933 from their new Album, Frank Turner and the Sleeping Souls just got it right with all the room singing along and dancing.
In this concert there are only 2 rules stated by the lead singer:
Don’t be an Asshole
And if you know the lyrics to a song, sing along!
The best rules which should be followed through life. Enjoy everything, but pay attention that you are not harming or bothering anyone else. And, good news! You know what, we did it! People respected each other, had fun, drank, sang and laughed. Which leads me to think why can’t we do it everyday, everywhere?, but that’s another discussion.
The concert was spectacular, with new and old songs and a load of different stories from Frank turner himself, including the one how he met Steve (the lead singer from the support band PUP) which was pretty similar to Titanic =P
The crowd was there, they were happy and singing and dancing around. The singer even made a couple entrances in the crowd to sing, crowdsurf and even dance with someone in the crowd to the sound of “Four simple words“. You can always see in his eyes how much he is enjoying it and I love the feeling of being part of that!
What impresses me the most on Frank Turners concert is his energy ( he did a small concert at the Coretex store in Berlin an hour before playing the the Columbiahalle! and was top fit), his love and passion for the music and how he can entertain even the thoughest crowd.
Personally for me, this makes even more sense as most of his lyrics speak to me, make me feel comfort and not alone in a world that spins 360°C in the speed of light and everybody seems to only care about themselves. The new album “Be more kind” is not my favourite, but it certainly has the message we all need to hear.
If you haven’t heard of them, please go check them out on Spotify or Youtube or or or…
And if someday this review comes to the hand of the band I just want to say THANK YOU, with all my heart for saving my day, my year and really even my life a couple of years ago!
very good text. Congrats
Thank you!!