Update – I QUIT!
It is Monday again, and again it is time to start something I been trying to start for many many Mondays: The way to MY perfect figure! Emphasis on MY, because it is the body I will feel comfortable with and I think it is beautiful for me and nobody else.
I never felt so comfy with my body as I do today, but I haven´t reached my goal. I will fill you in my history later, but long story short: two years ago I reached my limit, decided to get a stomach reduction and lost a ton of weight, that of course made me really happy but I am still not 100% confident with my body, so I will be trying the Focus T25 training programm. Do you think it will work?
Disclamer: apart from the training programm I also do personal sessions for functional and MMA with a personal trainer 2 times a week, go swimming at least once a week and am trying to bike wherever I can. So the results my vary from that.
Of course, only exercising it is not enough. I am also watching my diet. I already eat less than a normal person, due to the surgery. I won´t cut everything I love, because that kind of diet do not work for me, plus I cannot live without sweets. But I am cutting soda, reducing the candies, also reducing the carbohydrates at night and just try being healthier.
So what is Focus T25 works?
It is a project from The Beach Body, from the apparently known trainer, Shaun T. It´s a series of exercises DVDs, with 25 min. work out + 5 min. cool down that should be done 5 days a week and extra one for stretching, to be done after a day of rest. The videos come with the following calendar for 10 weeks, divided by programms alpha and beta, so you can track your progress, and a nutrition plan.
I am starting at 88,6 Kg (The numbers are fictional, but the difference will be calculated to only share the truth with you) and I am 1,73m. This is how I look now:

Week 1 – The Hell awakens
One week past by so fast, and I survived. It is still not easy to find the motivation to do my 30 min exercise everyday.
So far I lost 500gr., but to be honest I haven´t follow a diet and ate to many sweets, but I am quite sure the programm might work because, muscles I didn´t know I have are hurting.
From day one I realized how out of shape I am and had to used the modifiers version of the exercise most of the times. The modifier version is done by an extra on the stage, that shows you lower impact versions of the workout of the time. Believe it or not, it makes you sweat like a pig anyway.
I already started by making a mistake. I decided because I was training at home sneakers wouldn´t be necessary, but hell it is, it helps your balance an lower the impact of your body on the hard floor. And dressing properly really helps the motivation.
The second mistake I made this week was eating right before the workout, and I can assure you, it is not a good idea. So I would recommend eating at least 45 min before you start the Focus T25 programm, and try always eating light, like a fruit or a shake.
The first week was hell, but I am excited to know if it will get better!
Week 2 – Not as amazing
We just passed week 2 and the results are coming! So far I lost 1,3 Kg. Which is amazing considering I got sick last week, and skipped 3 days. Also therefore, I will be doing week 2 again, to get the best results I can possibly think of.
So far, my favorite video and the one I can finish the best is the speed 1.0. I haven´t seen much change on my fit status. I keep using the modifiers version of most exercises, but, I think it is normal. I am not gonna become Super Woman in 2 weeks.
I still find it hard to keep my motivation. Actually, the worst part is finding the motivation to start with it, but once I am done, I feel really good, so I am focusing on that. To keep myself motivated I will schedule a fix time to do it everyday, and see if this works better. I will also be doing the “Double Friday” on Wednesdays, because I get mostly lazy on Fridays, and I have a social life I like to keep up with too.
Week 2.2 – Everything hurts
So the second week 2 is now officially over. I haven´t seen much result this week. Every damm time I think to myself: How the fuck are this people (the ones on the DVD) doing this? At some point I saw myself screaming to Shaun T NO I CANNOT DO THIS, but in the end I was there sweating my ass of and trying to give my best.
Other plus point of the videos is that the people working out in it are also sweating like pigs and dripping, so it makes me feel a lot more comfortable.
Every time I think about skipping a day because I am not feeling good, or I didn´t have the time, or, or or… I feel like betraying myself and the people maybe reading this. So here we go for another week of hard work!
Week 3
Some mistakes were made this week! The first mistake is I realized my scale is broken, and therefore the results were unstable. I don´t even know if my start weight is real. However, although the numbers are not concise, I can feel my body changing and my legs and tights are getting harder, uhulll!
The second mistake is I skipped Friday (shame on me!) and went to Brussels (post coming soon) which means lots of beer, waffles and chocolate, that probably killed all the exercise I did this week.
I can feel myself dying less this time, so I think I might be getting somewhere =)
Week 4 – Aaaaaand, I got sick again =(
The ritual of passage from Summer to Autumn has begun. Going from 25/30°C to -5°C is not really my favorite part of the year. But, what does that have to do with my training? Well, as you can imagine, I got sick! It is hard to exercise when you can only breath through your mouth and many parts of your body hurt. I did manage to exercise 3 days last week, but it was definitely not enough.
So, here we go again. I am feeling better and the sun is shinning, so I will start the week all over again! I am doing this until the end!!! – or at least I am trying to convince myself to.
Week 4.1 – Completely failed
This was just the worst week ever. I didn´t do any exercise. I am sorry. I am disappointed at myself. I don´t think I am focused enough for this programm. I had my period I sat in bed, cried over sad movies and ate an unusual amount of chocolate. But this week is starting good. I came back to life and trained my ass off.
Let´s see how this will end.
I do not consider myself a quitter, but this time I failed. I cannot seem to find the motivation to do the DVDs everyday. I should tell you thought, I am 99% sure it works, and it works pretty well, but you have to be determined and give it 120%.
As for me, life got in the way, and I don´t think I am made for this. I need company, I need to laugh while exercising and I probably need someone shouting at me. I am not giving up my dream, nor am I giving up trying to be healthy and look amazing, but I will try it some other way… News on that soon 😉
Did you ever try something like this? How did you find the motivation to do it everyday? Did you complete it?
stay tuned…you feel so much better, every time u finished the training…so this is my experience….
so I hope u will keep up your training 😉
Aee! Gostei de ver! To precisando dessa coragem tambem!
To morrendo, mas vamos lá! Se quiser te empresto se der certo.